BMPx Wiki移動のお知らせとウィジェット

So, we've opened a dedicated Wiki for BMPx. It's structured mostly like the BMP wiki, but the one single BMPx page on the BMP website was basically exploding, so i decided to set up a seperate wiki for BMPx.

And just for the fun of it, here's a random screenshot. At the top is a small client written in PyGTK and using DBus-Python, which is something like a small control widget for BMPx. You can't edit playlists with it or add files, but control playback and always see the current track, time etc (available in current SVN). Current SVN also provides a BMPx plugin for XChat, which requires DBus-Python.

At the bottom left you see the media library search dialog.

Have fun, as always!!

BMPx専用のwikiが開設された。それはほとんどBMP wikiと同様に構築されたが、BMPウェブサイト上にあるBMPxのページは基本的に情報がごちゃごちゃであった。だから、BMPx専用のwikiの開設が決められたのである。



