BMP その2

BMP is being EOL'd (End Of Lifetime-d). This means the last release is coming up, which will be versioned at and is scheduled for 22th of October. The reasons for this are 1) We are preoccupied with bringing you BMPx, and 2) In a given time we spend on bringing one feature or bugfix into BMP, we can bring in a couple into BMPx, simply because of the newer and more structured codebase in BMPx.

Please check on the BMP Wiki about this, too!

Note to Translators: We are still accepting either new or simply updated translations for BMP until then, just send them to either descender _AT_ phreaker _DOT_ net or internalerror _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com.

Cya :D


BMP Wikiも同様に見て欲しい。

翻訳者の方へ: 新しい言語への翻訳はもちろん歓迎だし、単に既に翻訳済の言語の翻訳の更新もまた歓迎だ。descender _AT_ phreaker _DOT_ net または internalerror _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com に送って欲しい。
